

Once a saint saw a dog running towards a lake. It was obvious from its behavior that it was thirsty. But when the dog reached the lake and was about to drink water, it saw its own reflection in the water and got frightened. It ran back, stood at a distance and started barking at the lake. After a while it gathered courage and slowly approached the lake again; the same story repeated and it ran back howling. This back and forth took place several times. Now two entities - fear and thirst - were battling within the dog. Thirst was building but fear was not allowing the thirst to be quenched. The saint was watching the whole incident curiously. Fear had been winning over thirst for a long time, not allowing the dog to drink water. In the end, however, thirst became so intense that it surpassed fear. The dog eventually ignored the reflection and drank the water enjoying it thoroughly. The saint had learnt a very important lesson.

Some unknown thirst is building in all of us invariably. Only the intensity varies. We know that the word 'Adhyatma' (for lack of a better word - 'Spirituality' in English) gives us a strange thrill deep down. Now and then we look towards it to quench our thirst. But at the same time we are also afraid of spirituality. Because we have our own notions about it, distorted and diluted notions given to us by today's world as we grew in it. We think spirituality is sanyasa (renunciation), spirituality is becoming dull and stone-like etc. Therefore we approach it with caution, and also see to it that our near and dear ones do not go too close to it. But thirst is building within all the while. Thirst and fear are at war. But it is only thirst that can win eventually. The lake with fresh water is calling. It is only a matter of time before we overcome the fear and take a dive into the lake. This is a blog that depicts the phase when thirst begins to overtake fear.


Human being is an inquisitive animal. An underlying yet unmistakable current of inquisitiveness, and the ensuing urge to defuse it with knowledge, is one of our foremost defining features. We are all seekers, of knowledge more deeply than anything else. Indeed, the root of the Saṁskr̥ta term manuya (human) is 'mana', which means 'to know'. After directing this inherent power of questioning towards everything in existence, at some point the questioner finds saturation with this linear process, and thus takes a radical but obvious jump in his questioning: "What is the source of all questions? Why are there questions?". Or in other words "What am 'I'?". This is evidently the mother of all questions as it underlies the very act of questioning. Perhaps this is the only question that has to be resolved? "Yes" say the Upanishads. And the resolution to this question is represented by the words - atma-sakshatkara (self-realization), enlightenment, moksha, nirvana etc.

Although the personal question 'What am I?' did not occur to me straightaway (even though I had naturally heard about this popular question), the sense of saturation and the longing to look beyond words had been constantly on the rise for a few years. And in that phase many supplementary aspects of the path were explored and implemented. Therefore, as a seeker, I have reported all those secondary details of my journey along with the primary current of self-enquiry itself.

I do not yet know what purpose the blog will eventually fulfill, but what I know is that it is not meant for convincing anybody to come into Adhyatma or Yoga. This cannot be imposed on someone who has not reached saturation with material affairs and who says "What Self-Realization? I am perfectly happy with the way I am, as the body"; certainly not through writing. This blog will probably be appreciated by only those who already have the thirst building within them for a higher possibility, and have already recognized that their thirst is overtaking the fear.


  1. Started reading your blogs.... also saw a few of your videos... hoping to listen to u at SVYASA..... will be there between 22nd and 29th Dec (for YIC exams)...

    1. Thank you Jyotsna. You are coming at a very good time. Swami Dayananda Saraswati is giving a spiritual retreat in Prashanti Dec 27-30

  2. Thank you for being. I just dropped by to show my appreciation for all that you explore and all that you share. For the past few years, the aspects of "I am that I am" and "Aham Bharhmasmi" have been profoundly beckoning me to explore self. Your videos and talks and posts have just taking me further into my journey to discover the ocean beneath me. So, thank you, just for being.

    1. Now that is a spiritual thanks! Same thanks to you.

  3. Your lectures in youtube are soooo profound
    I turn to them whenever in doubt
    So simple yet so meaningful
    Thanks so much
    When i heard you while in prashanthi i never knew your videos will help me so much
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you.. Nice to hear that you find them useful in your quest..

  4. The noblest work is to spread the knowledge of Truth/glory of God...
    May Lord's grace always be with such souls....

    1. And your words were the sign of that grace :) Thanks

  5. sir, I have parents who are highly spiritually inclined and have imparted me all the spiritual knowledge they could and it is their dream that I move ahead in the path of adhyatma or spirituality and become a great yogini ( like how some parents want their children to become doctors or scientist) ,they have created conducive environment for it and have also set examples which I am grateful for and I realize that thay are right but the problem is there is lack of seriousness in my behaviour towards and I often have to be pushed to do swadhyaya and meditation, I've still not made it a should I make myself realize and proceed will full sincerity????

    1. Previous vasanas are strong and they should neither be forced out, nor strengthened further (by repeating such activities). They should be tapered off gradually. There is no short cut. Some other posts have related concepts. You are already in the phase where thirst is increasing.

  6. Sir, In-spite of having a conducive situations for spiritual growth and highly spiritually inclined parents who will encourage me I still lack the sincerity,which is required to make progress in spiritual path,I never made any real efforts to find the ultimate truth nor did I do any penance, because of my parents I got it easily and perhaps therefore I am not so sincere and regular towards swadhyaya and meditation .meaning I have not made it a first should I strictly make myself realize its worth and how should I keep myself determined???

    1. :) I am not aware of any specific "practice" that will make us realize once and for all. As a matter of fact the whole creation is working towards the same for everyone. Sooner or later it will push us, mostly by hitting us with duHkha. Only then we get strong realizations about moving towards adhyatma. This has been the case throughout history. If one has seen enough of these 'shock treatments' previously then those impressions will be strong and they will push him/her into adhyatma even when situations are supposedly happy (young, rich, healthy etc.)

    2. Like your view of being hit with dhuka, it's like a doctor giving vaccines, must take a little of the disease to become immune to the real disease

    3. Sir....Thank u for ur enlightenment...u were so true about our meditation help other as well...everything changes around when u go for meditation...same thing happened in my life...meditation changed my life positively....plz send some can I meet u.

  7. Hello Acharya,

    Do you give regular lectures or classes about the Scriptures, besides these lectures?
    Are you at a University?
    Thank you

    1. Hello Sandra, I am at a university (SVYASA), but am not officially working there. I just lecture out of own interest. I do not conduct regular classes as of yet. I conduct classes as and when I am called. Currently in Singapore for lecturing in a Yoga center here.

      Thanks :) (Good to see you using 'Acharya' - that is the correct way to address :) )

  8. Hello Sir / Acharya,

    Just saw your video on Viragya on YouTube and took a look at your website and liked it. I have bookmarked it for reference.


  9. Sir/Acharya
    I had seen a video of yours where who is eligible for marriage was explained, one of the explanation was to reach a higher path. Well most of the introspection I did was leading only to emotional , physical and psychological needs, couldn't think which will lead to spiritual sadhana, it will be really greatfull if you provide some pointers on this.

    1. Your comment somehow went to the spam folder in the blog system. Saw it only now. Marriage can offer indirect and direct help to one's progress or it can create challenges; and it all depends on the level of evolution one is in.
      In an initial stage, fulfilling physical-psychological-social needs itself is a help for spiritual sadhana as marriage may induce a sense of security of the type that having an umbrella would give you on a cloudy day. It may not rain eventually, but because of the umbrella you could free your mind of thoughts about the rain. And more importantly, if the spouse also has thirst for adhyatma, then there will be mutual support.
      But if you have crossed a certain stage in adhyatma, marriage may create some hindrance. A primary one is to do with the rate of transformation in personality. If a family man/woman transforms fast, everyone around him/her will resist the change. Whereas a monk (or a single person) can evolve his personality very rapidly and there is no one to resist. They can become a 'dwija' - born twice - everyday.

  10. Is it not right to observe and keep silent initially until you are ready to receive . Of course moving towards spirituality is a natural process.definitely some discipline is required for any aspirant. Many times we are eager to ask questions about spirituality without bothering whether we really mean. As you correctly pointed out asanas or ready made meditation techniques are not actually Yoga.only Guru knows when some body is ready for the next stage.Thanks for your illuminating lectures and blogs.My Harions to you

    1. Namaste brother. Thanks. Yes, an active and intense silence; a strong sense of vaccuum that will creating extracting power is necessary. Asana and the techniques taught to masses will give some basic structuring and foundation, but yes, later development needs something more.

  11. I happened to watch your video on idol worship. I have been thinking for while after some one repeatedly irritating in every speech attacking hinduism on idol worship, is there some one who can give him fit reply? I found in your speech and felt satisfied. I only hope that person watch this video and understands/accepts it. This is the first time i watched your video. I will do more. Simple. Thanks cvprakash

  12. Refering to the last mitrimilan lecture about helping others through meditation.
    I know that only Perfect master(sadguru) can help people in removin samskaras or one can overcme one's own karma with sadana (thinking that you are responsible for the situation as you told).a It's fascinating to know that we can help others at their karmic levels using that technique. Doesn't that need lot of self purification and perfection? can we heal physical illness through this technique? Is it correct to use this procedure in curing physical illness.Looking forward more about this topic...
    Thank you sir...

    1. Namaste :)
      In fact hoponopono (and similar techniques) was primarily used to cure physical illness in the polynesian cultures. I do not have any personal experience of this technique. I've not tried it for anything (physical or mental illness). I just talked about it as an informative topic in maitri milan. Thanks.

  13. I had the opportunity of listening to your lectures while doing my YIC. Regarding the lecture, "you need eyesight, than theory of light" , sir its good to question and clarify our doubts right? Like if we get clarified we can proceed further, suppose if the doubt itself doesn't allow the person to proceed further? I want little clarity regarding this. May be I have misunderstood.

  14. Namaste Acharya , listening to your lectures at svyasa and later in the videos is like knowing new ways to look at things and also increasing interest in reading bhagvad Gita. There are just too many editions of translation. Can you please suggest a book with good translation ? Also please let us know if you would take classes on Gita.

  15. Acharya, please suggest a book in English that would help in understanding Bhagwat Gita, Ramayana and Mahabharata. Many thanks for insightful videos

  16. Hello sir, its only been recently of my eighteen years in this world that I started believing that knowing is power. Being the restless kid it has been hard to concentrate, I also tried going to yoga centres nearby but I still failed. It would be great if you could suggest or guide me from the basics because I really want to achieve and go beyond the spirituality. I really want to see the world without the thin walls of illusion. That will suffice the incessant questions without proper answers I believe.

  17. I was at svyasa for YIC course, it's been almost an year to it now. When I came I never thought spiritual lessons will this way become integral part of my life.
    Thank you so much for the guidance and changing my outlook for life.

  18. Hello Sir,
    I got to know you through our YIC lecturer and I found your videos amazing, to the point and explained in a siMple manner. I m currently undergoing YIC course. I m very much passionate about spirituality. I have stopped working to stay with be daughter whose 8s around 2 years old now. I would like to continue formal education in the same field rather than just reading articles from internet but I can't attend regular classes at the university or college. Please guide me on how I can continue my spiritual journey.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Namaste, Thank you. You can try the correspondence courses (on Gita, Upanishats etc.) by Chinmaya mission.
      The other option is distance M.Sc. at SVYASA, but it is more therapy oriented.
      There may be other online classes which are not advertised openly by the teachers. You may have to search a bit.

  19. Yashwant PulumatiMay 26, 2018 at 9:23 AM

    Dear Sir,

    I have been following your video talks as well as your blog for a long time. I really like the way you explain things and I have been able to observe tremendous change within myself after following you. I am currently doing my PhD in the US and I am coming to India to visit in June. I want to meet you and talk to you or attend your live talks if possible. Please let me know if this is a possibility.

    -Thank you

  20. Could you plese send me link of yours viedo hindi translation. would be so kind of u if u do so

  21. Hi Vasudeva Acharya,

    Thanking you for all the videos you have uploaded on Youtube channel Jijnasu. They are an inspiration for me to continuously think about God.
    I would like to ask for your advice on how to go ahead in life with spiritual inquiry. I am doing my PhD right now in Engineering but I am always drawn to the basic questions of life. I don't feel any further interest to work after studies. I have interest to learn the Sanskrit,Vedas, Gita and the Bhashyas from spiritual masters, but still don't have any idea how to do it(in the sense that which school of philosophy should I choose and whom should I approach to be my Guru)

    My friend who is a Dvaiti says Dvaita is the correct school since the concept of Tattvamasi is wrong. He said to me that from Chandogya Upanishad the split of the word Atmatattvamasi is wrongly done by Advaitis as Atma+Tattvamasi whereas it should be Atma+Atattvamasi according to proper grammar which I also think is right. But then he says Vishnu is the Supreme God and other are dieties which is not in coherence with Advaita.
    Logically I am finding difficulty to progress forward. If you could help.
    Also is there any way to contact you by e-mail for any spiritual inquiry.

  22. Happy deepawali :-). And write more
